Brag Sheet
This year has been one for the record books, but we have plenty to brag about. From converting committees to a virtual platform and transitioning to a remote office configuration, to hosting three in-person events and three virtual, the one thing that remained the same is a commitment to serve our members!

• Added 11 companies to NHA’s membership roster
• Connected membership on all social media channels with monthly member anniversary announcements
• Increased NHA’s social media footprint by 66%, and revived the Association’s YouTube page to post NHA Updates
• Created a Virtual Event Sponsor Recognition Program, filming the delivery of custom thank you baskets to sponsors, and playing the video during the virtual event, on NHA’s website and social channels.
• Formalized member retention visit program, meeting both in-person and virtually, to gain insight on member needs.

• Advocated in support of the North Houston Highway Improvement Project (NHHIP) to H-GAC’s Transportation Policy Council and the Texas Transportation Commission
• Advocated in support of non-profit inclusion in the Paycheck Protection Program
• Involved in the successful designation of Airport Corridor Districts
• Advocated in support of the Hold Harmless Extension for school districts
• Advocated to Harris County Commissioner’s Court in support of Harris County Toll Road funds to be designated specifically for mobility needs

• US Congressman Dan Crenshaw Luncheon
• TxDOT Houston District Engineer Eliza Paul Luncheon
• Annual Awards/State of the Counties – County Judges Lina Hidalgo and Mark Keough
• Houston Public Works Director Carol Haddock Breakfast
• Annual Flood Control Breakfast (Russ Poppe, HCFCD; Jace Houston, SJRA; Alia Vinson, ABHR)
• 26th Annual Golf Tournament – Raising 107% of fundraising goal
• 23 Committee Meetings with the highest attendance (virtual) more than 130 people
• Created “Resources” pages on the NHA website in the areas of Transportation, Economic Development, Environment & Water, and COVID-19, to better serve NHA membership