2022 Strategic Mobility Plan
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Projects on the map
Project A: Aldine Westfield Rd. from FM 1960 to Jensen Dr.
Strategy: Widening to 4 lanes, Fill gaps throughout the Corridor
Agency: Harris County
Project B: SH 249 from BW 8 to IH 45
Strategy: Widen to 8 lanes
Agency: TxDOT
Status: Construction to begin in 5 to 10 years
*Included in the 2025 – 2028 Transportation Improvement Program – MPO ID: 18999
Project C: FM 1488 Magnolia Relief Route
Strategy: New Location Relief Route North of Magnolia
Agency: Montgomery Co. & TxDOT
*Included in the 2025 – 2028 Transportation Improvement Program – MPO ID: 18985
Project D: FM 1960 at Jones Rd.
Strategy: New Grade separation
Agency: Harris County & TxDOT
Project E: Greenspoint Dr. from IH 45 to JFK Blvd.
Strategy: Improvements for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
Agency: METRO
Project F: Barker Cypress Rd. at US 290
Strategy: Innovative Interchange Improvements
Agency: Harris Co. & TxDOT
Project G: Hardy Toll Road/Beltway 8 Interchange
Strategy: Construct Remaining 7 Direct Connectors
Agency: HCTRA & TxDOT
Status: In Final Design
“Direct connectors linking the Hardy Toll Road to Sam Houston Parkway will enable drivers to transit between the two roads without having to stop at traffic lights, improving mobility in the area. Motorists needing to transition between the two roadways currently experience significant congestion due to signalized intersections during peak periods. This project is estimated to cost $310 million. Construction is expected to begin in 2026.”
Project H: US 290, SH 249, IH 69, and IH 45
Strategy: Various HOV / Managed Lanes
Project I: SH 99 Direct Connectors at IH 45, SH 249, and IH 69
Strategy: Construct Remaining Direct Connectors
Agency: Various
Status: In Construction | SH 249 Connector – Complete
Direct connectors linking the Tomball Tollway to SH 99 (Grand Parkway) have enabled drivers to transit between the two roads without having to stop at traffic lights, improving mobility in the area. This project has built the connectors to travel from northbound Tomball Tollway to east- and westbound Grand Parkway as well as east- and westbound Grand Parkway to southbound Tomball Tollway. Construction has been completed on this direct connector as of Spring 2023.
Project J: FM 1097 from SH 75 to the East of UPRR
Strategy: Align Intersection & Provide New
Railroad Grade Separation
Agency: Montgomery Co. & TxDOT
Project K: David Memorial Dr. Extension North to SH 242
Strategy: New Location Arterial
Agency: City of Shenandoah
Status: Funded
In an interlocal agreement between Montgomery County and the City of Shenandoah, David Memorial Drive has now been funded! The county is set to allocate $5 million, including $2 million previously set for the design and specifications, while both City of Conroe and City of Shenandoah, Texas would provide $2 million each. “This is an older project,” said Precinct 4 Commissioner Matt Gray. “That is the fun part of this job, breathing life into these older projects that we have had hanging out there especially in my precinct.”
Learn more here: Montgomery County, Shenandoah agree on David Memorial Drive extension (houstonchronicle.com)
Project L: Old Conroe Rd. Extension across the West Fork San Jacinto River
Strategy: New Location Arterial & River Crossing
Agency: City of Conroe
*Included in the 2025 – 2028 Transportation Improvement Program – MPO ID: 17101
Project M: SH 99 from US 290 to IH 45
Strategy: Widen to 6 lanes
Agency: TxDOT
Status: Construction begins within 4 years
Project N: Loop 336 around Conroe
Strategy: Widen to 4 lanes to fill in gaps
Agency: TxDOT
Status: Construction begins within 4 years
*Included in the 2025 – 2028 Transportation Improvement Program – MPO ID: 16343
Project O: FM 2920 from Business 290 to SH 249
Strategy: Widen to 6 lanes
Agency: TxDOT
Status: Construction begins in 5 to 10 years
*Included in the 2025 – 2028 Transportation Improvement Program – Multiple MPO IDs
Project P: Park & Ride Facilities at Willowbrook, Louetta, Boudreaux, Greenspoint, and Springwoods
Strategy: Improve/Expand Transit and Park & Ride
Agency: METRO
Project Q: Beltway 8/Sam Houston Tollway from SH 249 to Aldine Westfield Rd.
Strategy: Operational Improvements
Agency: HCTRA and TxDOT
Project R: IH 45 North Houston Highway Improvement Project (NHHIP); IH 45 Planning Environmental Linkages (PEL) Study
Strategy: Highway & Transit Improvements from
Downtown Houston to Conroe
Agency: TxDOT
Status: Funded | Project Pause Lifted | Some Segments in Final Design Phase
*Included in the 2025 – 2028 Transportation Improvement Program – Multiple MPO IDs
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Brochure Design

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