Upcoming Events
The North Houston Association offers a variety of events and membership luncheons featuring various speakers and professionals in a number of fields.
If you have any questions about a featured event, please

NHA’s Official Comment Letter on HGAC’s TIP
NHA's Official Comment Letter on HGAC's TIP The North Houston Association submitted public comment for the Houston-Galveston Area Council's (H-GAC)...

NHA Updates 4/6
NHA Updates 4/6 https://youtu.be/K6LYovMZ-eo

How to Join our Virtual Committee Meetings
How to Join our Virtual Committee Meetings Our committee meetings will be held at 12 PM noon on their respective dates using the Join.me platformThe...

Prepare but don’t panic:
Prepare but don't panic: Houston Methodist COVID-19 Safe Return to Work Employer Toolkit...

Harris County Precinct 1 Joined the Transportation Committee for a Mobility Update
Amar Mohite, Harris County Precinct 1's Director of Planning and Infrastructure, joined our Transportation committee to give an update on some...

Josh Urban, CEO of Memorial Hermann The Woodlands, Updates NHA Members on Upcoming $250 Million Expansion
Josh Urban, CEO of Memorial Hermann The Woodlands, Updates NHA Members on Upcoming $250 Million Expansion NHA's Development Trends Committee got an...

If you done it, it ain’t bragging – 2019
The North Houston Association had an impactful 2019. In just a year, the membership luncheons, breakfasts and committee meetings had over 1,250...

Early Voting Happening Now!
Early Voting Happening Now! The polls are open and early voting for the 2020 primary elections are underway. Voters have their pick of candidates...

GHP’s Economy at a Glance
GHP's Economy at a Glance The Greater Houston Partnership published their Houston: The Economy at a Glance on February 11th, 2020. The document...

H-GAC’s Alan Clark gave an update on their Regional Transportation Plan
H-GAC's Alan Clark gave an update on the Agency's Regional Transportation Plan For its February meeting, the NHA Transportation Committee was joined...