Upcoming Events
The North Houston Association offers a variety of events and membership luncheons featuring various speakers and professionals in a number of fields.
If you have any questions about a featured event, please

North Houston Association Elects New Vice Chair
North Houston Association Elects New Vice Chair FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - AUGUST 13, 2020 The North Houston Association (NHA) Wednesday made changes...

NHA Updates 8/11
https://youtu.be/vq7op3Wn4iw In this very special installment of NHA Updates we have a message from our President, Marlisa Briggs, and an exciting...

NHA’s Summer has been Action Packed
A Note From the President: Dear NHA Member, You're not seeing things, that's a picture of a new adventure for the North Houston Association! Due to...

The North Houston Association Announces their 2019 Award Winners
The North Houston Association Announces their 2019 Award Winners The North Houston Association (NHA) is excited to announce the recipients of the...

NHA hosts Special Presentation on Arbitration, Civil Litigation and Mediation with: Charles Herd of Herd Dispute Resolution
NHA hosts Special Presentation on Arbitration, Civil Litigation and Mediation with: Charles Herd of Herd Dispute Resolution The North Houston...

NHA Updates 5/19

North Houston Association Representatives Meet with Blanson CTE Students for Park Design
North Houston Association Representatives Meet with Blanson CTE Students for Park Design COVID-19 is pressing the...

NHA Updates 4/28
NHA Updates 4/28 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTXM5SUb4Hg

Greater Houston Partnership’s April Economy at a Glance
Greater Houston Partnership's April Economy at a Glance https://www.north-houston.com/dev/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Glance-April-2020-final_0.pdf

NHA Updates 4/17
NHA Updates 4/17 https://youtu.be/gh-Ei4z5MBg