Environment Committee
View Meetings
Chair: Matthew Clinton CWB
Senior Environmental Project Manager
BGE, Inc.

Chair: Courtney Blechle, AICP
Principal Environmental Planner

Board Liaison: Robb Fishman
Environmental Program Manager
KCI Technologies
NHA’s Environment Committee meets on even numbered months in a lunch and learn format. These members-only meetings begin with a featured speaker and there is time for agency/community reports following the presentation. All NHA members are invited to attend all committee meetings. Committees are where many Association project ideas begin, where regional issues are discussed, and positions taken.
- Connect government entities, agencies, community organizations and business representatives, with
the purpose of fostering continued communication about environmental topics. (Strategic Plan Goal
IIA) - Influence environmental issues by advocating for measures that result in the protection and
improvement of the north Houston region. (Strategic Plan Goal IIIA) - Educate North Houston Association (NHA) members about environmental opportunities and
regulations important to businesses and communities in the north Houston region, seeking out all
sides of environmental matters to better position the Association for informed and balanced
recommendations. (Strategic Plan Goal IIIC) - Create a robust committee meeting speaker lineup. (Strategic Plan Goal IC)
- Provide a networking forum for Environmental stakeholders. (Strategic Plan Goal IC)
Curious about our Committee?
Leave us some info or any questions you may have and we will reach back out to you!