Environment Meetings

Let’s Give ’em Somethin’ to Brag About!
During the last 365 days, NHA has done quite a few brag worthy things. We don't take the opportunity to celebrate those things as much as we should, so please enjoy this blog post that shares just a few of this year's big accomplishments.NHA social media follower...

NHA Submits Comments on H-GAC’s Draft Project Evaluation Criteria
NHA's Board of Directors approved the submission of the following public comments in regards to the Houston-Galveston Area Council's draft evaluation criteria for the five investment categories of the project selection process: High Growth Area Needs, Resiliency,...

Flood Control Breakfast Recap
Our membership gathered for a breakfast on August 31st, to enjoy a panel discussion held by 3 flood experts. Dr. Tina Petersen, P.E. of Harris County Flood Control District, and Jeff Walker of the Texas Water Development Board were joined by...
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