Development Committee
View Meetings
Chair: Devin Baker,
Commercial Real Estate Broker
Sendero Real Estate

Vice Chair: David Ladewig,
Director of Business Development
Manhattan Construction Company

Board Liaison: Michael Kasmiersky, CPM
Vice President of Property Management
Lincoln Property Company
NHA’s Development Committee meets monthly in a lunch and learn format. These members-only meetings begin with a featured speaker and there is time for agency/community reports following the presentation. All NHA members are invited to attend all committee meetings. Committees are where many Association project ideas begin, where regional issues are discussed, and positions are taken.
- Connect committee members and economic development professionals in the north Houston region
through various meetings. (Strategic Plan Goal IC) - Influence legislation and policy that promotes a positive business environment, presenting committee
members with information on all aspects to better position the Association for informed and balanced
recommendations. (Strategic Plan Goal IIIA) - Educate committee and Association members about new development and redevelopment, as
well as workforce and education resources that support development in the region. (Strategic
Plan Goal IIIB) - Increase participation of cities and economic development organizations in the region. (Strategic
Plan Goal IIA) - Provide a networking forum for Development stakeholders (Strategic Plan Goal IC)
- Create a robust committee meeting speaker lineup. (Strategic Plan Goal IC)
Curious about our Committee?
Leave us some info or any questions you may have and we will reach back out to you!