H-GAC’s Alan Clark gave an update on the Agency’s Regional Transportation Plan

For its February meeting, the NHA Transportation Committee was joined by Alan Clark, Houston-Galveston Area Council’s Director of Transportation Planning. “It’s great to be here with a partner organization. North Houston Association has always had a vision for our region and its transportation needs and other things that need to be addressed,” said Clark during his introduction. He gave a brief presentation on the projects the council currently has underway as well as those they plan to work on in the next decade. Two of the ten highlighted projects (totaling $42.8 billion) are also included in the North Houston Association Strategic Mobility Plan. The North Houston Highway Improvement Project (NHHIP) and the FM 1488 & Magnolia Bypass are listed as projects 1 and 7, respectively, on H-GAC’s Ten-Year Transportation Plan. For a full committee presentation please visit the members center.