Amar Mohite, Harris County Precinct 1’s Director of Planning and Infrastructure, joined our Transportation committee to give an update on some Precinct 1 mobility projects. Before he dug into specifics, Mohite defined the boundaries of PCT 1 for the group sharing that 70% of the precinct is within the City of Houston. According to their site, “Precinct One, which includes 876 miles of road, stretches south to Brazoria County and reaches into eastern and northern sections of Harris County.” With Harris County being the 3rd largest in the nation PCT 1 covers 363 sq. miles and has over 1 million residents. Mohite explained that the main goal of the precinct was completing and connecting networks, safely. Through working with Flood Control, METRO, the Houston Parks Board, and the City of Houston, Precinct 1 will undergo some big changes in 2020. “There is no way we can service residents of the precinct without serving the City of Houston,” said Mohite on partnering with other agencies, “60% of all METRO boarding’s take place in PCT 1.”

There are 2 METRO BOOST (Bus Operations Optimized System Treatments) corridors coming online as specified in the METRONext Program. 16 of the projects defined in the 2018 Flood Bond are now in their design phase. The City is working on their Complete Streets Plan across a 2 mile stretch near Airline and I-45. There are improvements being made by HCFCD at the Kuykendahl, Glen Forest and one soon to be brand new, detention basins. 10 miles of sidewalk are going in near Kuykendahl and Ella to alleviate some of the safety concerns for school children. Houston Parks Board is continuing their progress on the Greens Bayou section of the Bayou Greenways 2020 project. “Not every neighborhood in the precinct have the same concerns or transportation needs, so no one project with fix every problem,” Mohite shared with the group.
Thank you to Harris County Precinct 1 for giving us an update on the area. We look forward to seeing the progress as these projects continue! For a full review on the committee presentation visit https://www.north-houston.com/transportation-past-meeting-presentations/