During the last 365 days, NHA has done quite a few brag worthy things. We don’t take the opportunity to celebrate those things as much as we should, so please enjoy this blog post that shares just a few of this year’s big accomplishments.

NHA social media follower count increased on all platforms in 2023, but most notably on LinkedIn, which grew by over 375. NHA provided more than 95 economic development leads to developer members. NHA advocated for a number of issues including: Water Resources Reform and Development Act – Addicks and Barker Reservoirs Flood Risk Management Improvements, GoRail Texas Grade Crossings Funding Lake Houston Spillway Gate Funding, the Motgomery County Ford Road Improvement Project and the H-GAC Project Selection Process. All of these accomplisments are made possible by leveraging the expertise and dedication within our membership. We thank you all for making these moments possible, and look forward to creating more in 2024.