Let’s Give ’em Somethin’ to Brag About!
During the last 365 days, NHA has done quite a few brag worthy things. We don't take the opportunity to celebrate those things as much as we should, so please enjoy this blog post that shares just a few of this year's big accomplishments.NHA social media follower...
NHA Submits Comments on H-GAC’s Draft Project Evaluation Criteria
NHA's Board of Directors approved the submission of the following public comments in regards to the Houston-Galveston Area Council's draft evaluation criteria for the five investment categories of the project selection process: High Growth Area Needs, Resiliency,...
Flood Control Breakfast Recap
Our membership gathered for a breakfast on August 31st, to enjoy a panel discussion held by 3 flood experts. Dr. Tina Petersen, P.E. of Harris County Flood Control District, and Jeff Walker of the Texas Water Development Board were joined by...
The City of Houston’s November Election Ballot Items
The City of Houston will hold an election on Tuesday, November 7th, with early voting beginning October 23rd and ending November 3rd. This election is where citizens will get the opportunity to vote on several propositions and elected positions including: Mayor,...
Promising Advancements for Water Security Emerge from the Texas 88th Legislative Session
It's no secret that the water supply in Texas was a prominent issue in the most recent legislative session. With almost 200 bills filed that were related to water and its infrastructure, it can be assumed that the need for water security isn't just regional but spans...
NHA’s Development Committee Tours Largest Tilt Wall Building in North America at Dakin Technology Park
Our May Development Committee took place at the Daikin Comfort Technology Park also known as Daikin Texas Technology Park (DTTP) which is situated on the edge of Harris County and inside of the City of Waller. In 2016 when Daikin opened its doors, Waller had a...
Welcome our new Development Committee Vice Chair Michelle Hundley!
Michelle is an Economic Development Lead for CenterPoint Energy, Inc. She has also served as Economic Development & International Trade Advisor to Harris County Judge Ed Emmett, Chief Operations Officer and Vice President of Public Affairs for Economic Alliance...
NHA celebrates their 2022 Award winners at the Annual State of the Counties
Each year, the North Houston Association holds an awards ceremony as an opportunity for our membership and the community to celebrate those who have done exceptional work over the past 12 months. This year, we celebrated two NHA members who have made an impact on the...
NHA Joins Area Chambers at the State of Business in Texas
NHA covers an area of more than 1,100 square miles and within our footprint, we have quite a few area Chambers of Commerce. We partnered with some of them to host the State of Business in Texas, an event that featured the Texas Association of Business', President...
NHA Comments on TWDB State Flood Plan Ranking Criteria
The NHA Board of Directors voted in favor of submitting comments to the Texas Water Development Board to provide feedback on the State Flood Plan ranking criteria. Alan Black of Quiddity spoke with the NHA Board about specific draft comments that came out of the NHA...