Strategic Flood Reduction Priorities
Download DocumentPurpose and Process
The Strategic Flood Reduction Priorities (SFRP) documents the North Houston Association’s (NHA) recommendations for priority flood reduction projects and strategies. This provides a starting point, by watershed, for advocacy and education to members, legislators, and the public within NHA service area. NHA representatives met with more than 25 agencies and organizations to gather their top priorities within the NHA service area. Priorities were included in this plan because they provided regional benefits and scored well using the following criteria: Achievability, Flood Mitigation, Diversity, Multipurpose/Function, Floodplain Restoration, Flood Reduction Benefits to Frequently Flooded Areas and Critical Facilities.
General Strategies
In addition to the watershed specific items below, general strategies were identified that can reduce flood impacts such as: master drainage planning, floodplain preservation, education, flood mapping, flood response planning between communities, flood warning systems, and use of comprehensive benefits in project evaluation and selection.
Project Specifics by Watershed
Projects & Program Details
1: Lake Creek
Garrett’s Creek Stormwater Detention Basin
2: Caney Creek
Stormwater Detention Basin at FM1097
3: East Fork San Jacinto
Winters Bayou Dam and Stormwater Detention Basin
4: Lake Creek
Little Caney Creek Stormwater Detention Basin
5: Lake Conroe
Joint reservoir operations with Lake Houston
6: Caney Creek
Stormwater Detention Basin at SH105
7: Lake Creek
Caney Creek Stormwater Detention Basin
8: Peach Creek
Stormwater Detention Basin at SH105
9: Spring Creek
Walnut Creek & Birch Creek Stormwater Detention Basin
10: West Fork San Jacinto
River Plantation Channel
11: Peach Creek
Channelization at I-69
12: Spring Creek
Woodlands Channel
13: West Fork San Jacinto
Sediment Removal and Sand Trap Development
14: Caney Creek
Channelization at 1-69
15: Willow Creek
Willow Creek Watershed Plan
16: Spring Creek
I-45 Channelization
17: Little Cypress Creek
Little Cypress Creek Frontier Proqram
18: Cypress Creek
Cypress Creek Implementation Plan
19: Cypress Creek
Cypress and Little Cypress Creek Tunnel
20: West Fork San Jacinto
Kingwood Benching
21: Greens Bayou
Greens Bayou Mid-Reach Program
22: West Fork San Jacinto
Lake Houston Dam
23: Greens Bayou
Greens Bayou Tunnel
24: Halls Bayou
Halls Bayou Tunnel
25: Halls Bayou
Halls Bayou Vision Plan and Federal Study
26: Luce Bayou
Interagency Coordination
27: Jackson Bayou
Jackson Bayou Watershed Plan