NHA Supports Passage of METRO Bond Election on Nov. 5
By: Marlisa Briggs, Executive Director
The success of METRO’s bond election is instrumental to ease congestion even for those outside of the city of Houston. This isn’t just a “city thing”. It’s a regional solution that will have positive impacts for north Harris County and Montgomery County.
Contained within the METRONext plan is 110 miles of two-way HOV lanes. Gone are the days of typical commuting patterns. With business centers scattered throughout the region like in The Woodlands, Springwoods Village, Generation Park and Kingwood, drivers are traveling both directions at varied times. There will also be 21 new or improved Park & Rides and Transit Centers, largely aimed at longer-distance commuters.
Also in the plan is about 75 miles of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT). This transportation mode operates like rail, without the infrastructure requirement that typically eliminates rail as an option, due to high costs. It’s a dedicated route with very minimal stops, making the trip quicker than that of a standard bus.
If approved by voters on November 5th (remember early voting is happening NOW), travelers who arrive at our Houston airports will have the benefit of choosing to catch a ride on METRO to their next destination. This option for visitors helps provide a welcoming experience, making it easier to navigate our city.
Overall, METRO’s plan is designed to “improve the ways we move.” If you haven’t looked into the plan’s details, I encourage you to do the research for yourself. After meeting with METRO’s President Tom Lambert and having him out to educate our members on METRO’s future, the North Houston Association’s board of directors has voted to fully support the METRO bond proposal.
Passage of the proposal is just one piece of the solution to improving the region’s mobility. Other projects, including the I-45 PEL, the North Houston Highway Improvement Project, and the Hardy Toll Road Airport Connector, are all designed to complement one another in the big picture of our transportation network. NHA will continue to serve as a stakeholder on these projects, and others that affect north Harris County and Montgomery County, providing input and educating the community.