NHA’s Official Comment Letter on HGAC’s TIP

The North Houston Association submitted public comment for the Houston-Galveston Area Council’s (H-GAC) Draft 2021-2024 TIP.
We were happy to see two of our key projects in the Draft 2021-2024 TIP: the Old Conroe Magnolia Rd. Extension and the widening of SH 105. These projects will support the rapid growth of their respective areas, as well as improve safety and mobility. We also thanked the agency for its support of the North Houston Highway Improvement Project.
The North Houston Association submitted public comment for the Houston-Galveston Area Council’s (H-GAC) Draft 2021-2024 TIP.
We were happy to see two of our key projects in the Draft 2021-2024 TIP: the Old Conroe Magnolia Rd. Extension and the widening of SH 105. These projects will support the rapid growth of their respective areas, as well as improve safety and mobility. We also thanked the agency for its support of the North Houston Highway Improvement Project.
As you likely know, one advocacy and educational tool NHA uses is our Strategic Mobility Plan (SMP). You can see an electronic version of the SMP here, and read about the project selection process.
For our TIP Public Comments, we chose to highlight three projects:
- Robinson Road Corridor in Montgomery County
- Construction of the remaining direct connectors at I-45 & SH 99
- Construction of the remaining direct connectors at I-69 & SH 99
We immediately received a response from H-GAC’s Alan Clark, thanking us for our input and our partnership.
Harris County/H-GAC Small Business Economic Assistance Loan Program
For last week’s Harris County Commissioner’s Court, we provided a public comment request that the joint Small Business Economic Assistance Loan Program be expanded to include non-profit organizations including NHA and our area chamber of commerce partners. Commissioner Cagle supported the expansion, but in the end Commissioner Garcia offered up a solution to create a separate fund in the future specifically for nonprofits. Commissioner Garcia wanted to provide as much funding to small businesses as possible, and as we know, that fund is being tapped into by the numerous small businesses that are the backbone of many of our communities. We appreciate the consideration, and are thankful for this resource for our local businesses.
Closing Thoughts
We have heard from so many of you, our members, during this time, and it brightens our day to see/hear everyone on our virtual committee meetings and happy hours. Please keep emailing, participating, calling and texting. We truly miss each and every one of you. We will all get through this together, and if we can be a resource for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Next week, we will announce our Annual Award Winners, so keep your eyes out for the email! Make sure to take a look at our newest video recap for the week.