North Houston Transportation Study Briefing
by: Marlisa Briggs, Executive Director
NHA is currently involved with three different TxDOT studies in the region. Here’s an update, along with information on how you can get engaged in the process.
I-45 PEL (Planning and Environmental Linkages) Study – NHA is serving on the Stakeholder Group for this study, which is along I-45N, from Beltway 8 North to Loop 336 South. This corridor is directly in the center of our service area, and ideal for our input. The goal of the study is to make the corridor safer and more efficient. We are now at a point in the process for public input, and although we are involved with the study and representing you, our members, numbers speak volumes. Let me encourage you to jump on in and attend one of these meetings:
- Saturday, October 12, 2019; 10 a.m. – noon; Harvest Time Church; 17770 Imperial Valley Dr.; Houston, Texas 77060
- Tuesday, October 15, 2019; 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.; Spring High School; 19428 I-45 North; Spring, Texas 77373
- Wednesday, October 16, 2019; 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.; Oak Ridge High School 9th Grade Campus; 27310 Oak Ridge School Road; Conroe, Texas 77385
An online opportunity is available as well. You can reach the survey by visiting the project website here.
FM 1960 Access Management Study– NHA serves on the Steering Committee for this study of the 11-mile segment of FM 1960 from East Gatewick (just east of I-45) to BF 1960A (east of I-69) in Harris County. Within these limits, FM 1960 is an east-west corridor that has experienced increasing traffic due to area growth in residential and commercial development. The FM 1960 study aims to identify short-, medium-, and long-range improvements to reduce crashes, improve mobility, and support existing and future development. .
Open houses took place this week, but there is still time to provide input online. You can reach the FM 1960 Access Management Study project website here, as well as fill out the survey. Survey deadline is October 18.
FM 1488 Access Management Study – NHA serves on the Steering Committee for this study of FM 1488 from I-45 to FM 149 in Montgomery County. FM 1488 is a primary east-west corridor in south Montgomery County that has experienced significant growth. The purpose of this study is to identify short-, medium-, and long-term improvements to reduce crashes, improve mobility, enhance multi-modal connectivity, and support existing and future development in the corridor. You have an opportunity to provide input at the following upcoming public meeting:
- Thursday, October 24, 2019; 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.; Mitchell Intermediate School (Cafeteria); 6800 Alden Bridge Drive; The Woodlands, Texas 77382