Project Amendments in NHA Service Area

These amendments were approved by the TAC, and will be presented to the TPC at its February 28 meeting. Both amendments were requested by TxDOT.

  • SH 99 (at IH 45 N) Segment G: Construct 2 Direct Connectors (Toll) WB-NB & SB-EB construction project at IH 45 North (MPO ID 15591/CSJ 3510-06-022) with $47.4 of State Toll funding. Add to TIP; Scheduled for FY 2027
  • SH 99 (at IH 45 N) Segment G: Delay 4 Direct Connectors (WB-SB; NB-EB; EB-SB; NB-WB) (MPO ID 19244/CSJ 3510-06-037). Add to RTP; Scheduled for FY 2040 (originally scheduled for FY 2030).

Quarterly TIP Status Report

The following was for information only. The goal is to spend down the carryover balances in Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ)/Category 5 Funds.

After H-GAC Staff met with project sponsors, the following recommendations are being made:

  • Rankin Road Access Management Project (MPOID 19019) – recommend to move forward with environmental but delay construction.
  • East Richey Road Improvement Project (MPOID 19022) – recommend to move forward with environmental but delay construction.

The following projects are recommended to move up from 2026 to 2025:

  • Montgomery County Intersection Equipment Upgrades (MPOID 19236)
  • The Woodlands Township Transit Maintenance facility (MPOID 19192)
  • City of Conroe CNG Fueling Facility (MPOID 19193)

Project Selection Process – Project List

TAC voted to recommend for TPC approval of the projects recommended for funding provided in the Project Selection Process Draft List. You can view the projects on a map here. There are some very significant projects in the NHA service area.

TAC Subcommittee Positions Open

There are a number of open seats for several TAC Subcommittees. For the subcommittees listed below, members DO NOT need to be a member of the TAC to serve. Please reach out to Marlisa Briggs if you are interested in being nominated, as nominations are generated from current TAC members.

 Transportation Systems Management and Operations Subcommittee

  • Pedestrian-Bicyclist Subcommittee
  • Transportation Air Quality Subcommittee
  • Regional Transit Coordination Subcommittee