The North Houston Association’s (NHA) board of directors has voted to support efforts that encourage the state legislature to enhance mobility and public safety by appropriating the necessary funds to support local grade separation projects.
“There are more than 700 grade crossings in the Houston region, and Texas leads the country with over 9,800 crossings,” said NHA President Marlisa Briggs. “The large price tag to incorporate grade separations into the design of mobility projects is prohibitive for local entities. We need legislative support to appropriate funds that will ultimately save lives.”
Across the country, more than 2,100 highway-rail grade crossing collisions occurred in 2021, of which 247 took place in Texas.
NHA was approached by the GoRail organization to collaborate on this critical mobility and safety matter, and the Association’s board unanimously agreed that the issue is in direct alignment with NHA’s mission and program of work.