The City of Houston will hold an election on Tuesday, November 7th, with early voting beginning October 23rd and ending November 3rd. This election is where citizens will get the opportunity to vote on several propositions and elected positions including: Mayor, Council Member, District A, Council Member, District B, Council Member, District C, Council Member, District D, Council Member, District E, Council Member, District F, Council Member, District G, Council Member, District H, Council Member, District I, Council Member, District J, Council Member, District K, Council Member, At-Large Position 1, Council Member, At-Large Position 2, Council Member, At-Large Position 3, Council Member, At-Large Position 4, Council Member, At-Large Position 5, and City Controller. Below you will find the candidates for each.
Proposition 1
HJR 126 “The constitutional amendment protecting the right to
engage in farming, ranching, timber production, horticulture, and wildlife management.”
Proposition 2
SJR 64 “The constitutional amendment authorizing a local
option exemption from ad valorem taxation by a county or municipality of all or part of the appraised value of real property used to operate a child-care facility.”
Proposition 3
HJR 132 “The constitutional amendment prohibiting the
imposition of an individual wealth or net worth tax, including a tax on the difference between the assets and liabilities of an individual or family.”
Proposition 4
HJR 2 from the second special session “The constitutional
amendment to authorize the legislature to establish a temporary limit on the maximum appraised value of real property other than a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes; to increase the amount of the exemption from ad valorem taxation by a school district applicable to residence homesteads from $40,000 to $100,000; to adjust the amount of the limitation on school district ad valorem taxes imposed on the residence homesteads of the elderly or disabled to reflect increases in certain exemption amounts; to accept certain appropriations
to pay for ad valorem tax relief from the constitutional limitation on the rate of growth of appropriations; and to authorize the legislature to provide for a four year term of office for a member of the board of directors of certain appraisal districts.”
Proposition 5
HJR 3 “The constitutional amendment relating to the Texas
University Fund, which provides funding to certain institutions of higher education to achieve national prominence as major research universities and drive the state economy.”
Proposition 6
SJR 75 “The constitutional amendment creating the Texas
water fund to assist in financing water projects in this state.”
Proposition 7
SJR 93 “The constitutional amendment providing for the
creation of the Texas Energy Fund to support the construction, maintenance, modernization, and operation of electric generating facilities.”
Proposition 8
HJR 125 “The constitutional amendment creating the broadband
infrastructure fund to expand high-speed broadband access and assist in the financing of connectivity projects.”
Proposition 9
HJR 2, regular session “The constitutional amendment
authorizing the 88th Legislature to provide a cost-of-living adjustment to certain annuitants of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.”
Proposition 10
SJR 87 “The constitutional amendment to authorize the
legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation equipment or inventory held by a manufacturer of medical or biomedical products to protect the Texas healthcare network and strengthen our medical supply chain.”
Proposition 11
SJR 32 “The constitutional amendment authorizing the
legislature to permit conservation and reclamation districts in El Paso County to issue bonds supported by ad valorem taxes to fund the development and maintenance of parks and recreational facilities.”
Proposition 12
HJR 134 “The constitutional amendment providing for the
abolition of the office of county treasurer in Galveston County.”
Proposition 13
HJR 107 “The constitutional amendment to increase the
mandatory age of retirement for state justices and judges.”
Proposition 14
SJR 74 “The constitutional amendment providing for the
creation of the centennial parks conservation fund to be used for the creation and improvement of state parks.”
(13) Gaylon S. Caldwell | 7719 Travis Parker Lane, Houston, TX 77016 | phone: 386-339-7440 | email: mr.g.caldwell@gmail.com
(15) Jack Christie | 3262 Westheimer Road, #402, Houston, TX 77098 | phone: 281-937-7228 | email: Jack@ChristieForMayor.com
(10) Robert Gallegos | PO Box 230087, Houston, TX 77223 | phone: 346-339-8485 | email: GallegosForMayor@gmail.com
(6) A nnie “Mama” Garcia | 440 Louisiana Street, Suite 900, Houston, TX 77002 | phone: 832-491-8155 | email: mama@mamaformayor.com
(3) Gilbert Garcia | PO Box 903, Houston, TX 77001 | phone: 713-443-4330 | email: ggarcia@garciahamiltonassociates.com
(7) M. “Griff” Griffin | 5327 Winding Way Drive, Houston, TX 77091 | phone: 713-503-8064 | email: mgriffin@KGriff.com
(17) Naoufal Houjami | 10301 Mesa Drive, Houston, TX 77078 | phone O: 713-401-9281, D: 832-541-4782 | email: Houjami@USA.com
(8) B. Ivy | 2516 E. Crosstimbers, Houston, TX 77093 | phone: 832-640-3441 | email: ahaniceduet@gmail.com
(16) Sheila Jackson Lee | PO Box 1296, Houston TX 77251 | phone: 832-389-7791 | email: Sheila@SheilaForHouston.com
(2) Lee Kaplan | PO Box 56165, Houston, TX 77256 | phone: 713-532-9242 | email: Lee@KaplanforHoustonMayor.com
(4) M. J. Khan | PO Box 572808, Houston, TX 77257 | phone: 713-398-4829 or 713-408-0786 | email: mjkhan@mjkhan.com or mjkhan9@gmail.com
(12) David C. Lowy | phone: 832-471-7566 | email: LowyForMayor@gmail.com
(1) Julian “Bemer” Martinez | 9201 Richmond Avenue, Houston, TX 77063 | phone: 281-802-4493 | email: JMartinez@bemer.com
(5) Chanel Mbala | 12335 Kingsride Lane, #230, Houston, TX 77024 | phone: 832-554-6111 | email: support@chanel4mayor.com
(9) Kathy Lee Tatum | 3403 West TC Jester Blvd., Houston, TX 77018 | phone: 1-855-618-6911 | email: tatum4Houston@gmail.com
(11) Roy Vasquez | 2324 Sperber Lane, Houston, TX 77003 | phone: 281-924-1468 | email: contact@royvasquezformayor.com
(14) John Whitmire | P.O. Box 7271, Houston, TX 77248 | phone: 713-868-5000 | email: Johnwhitmire@Johnwhitmire.com
Robin Williams (Write-In Candidate) | 14230 Bonham Oaks Lane, Houston, TX 77047| phone: 773-641-9104 | email: info@robinwilliamsformayor.com
(3) Chris Hollins | 4701 Lyons Avenue, Houston TX, 77020 | email: Chris@ChrisHollins.com
(1) Dave Martin | 1 East Greenway Plaza #225, Houston, Texas 77046 | phone: 713-526-3399 | email: campaign@martinforhouston.com
(2) Shannan Nobles | PO Box 321431, Houston, TX 77221 | phone: 832-270-2599 | email: ShannanforHouston@gmail.com
(4) Orlando Sanchez | PO Box 130853, Houston, TX 77219 |phone: 832-521-1962 | email: info@OrlandoSanchez.com
City Council, District A
(1) Amy Peck | PO Box 800240, Houston, TX 77280 | phone: 832-390-0117 | email: Amy@AmyPeck.org
City Council, District B
(2) Alma Banks-Brown | 10623 Rebel Rd, Houston, TX 77016 | phone: 832-982-9573 | email: alma@almabrown4distb.org
(4) Tarsha Jackson | PO Box 90684, Houston TX 77290 | phone: 832-837-3284 | email: Tarsha@tarshajackson4districtb.com
(1) Kendra London | PO Box 15472, Houston, TX 77220 | phone: 832-356-6455 | email: contactkendralondon@gmail.com
(5) Koffey Smith El-Bey | 4225 Lyons, Houston, TX 77020 | phone: 281-667-1016 | email: KoffeyforHoustonDistrictB@yahoo.com
(3) Tyrone Willis | 3262 Westheimer Road, Houston, TX 77098 | phone: 832-919-0060 | email: Willis4hou@gmail.com
City Council, District C
(2) Perata PB Bradley | PO Box 1142, Houston TX 77251 | phone: 346-479-1360 | email: Pbfordistrictc@gmail.com
(3) Felix Javier Cisneros | email: felixcisneros50@gmail.com
(1) Abbie Kamin | PO Box 56386, Houston, TX 77256 | phone: 713-701-9006 | email: Campaign@AbbieKamin.com
City Council, District D
(5) Carolyn Evans-Shabazz | PO Box 8482, Houston TX, 77288-8482 | phone: 713-539-4964 | email: drevansshabazz@yahoo.com
(4) Lloyd Ford | 3801 N. MacGregor Way, Houston, Texas 77004 |phone: 832-226-6033 | email: info@lloydford4change.com
(1) Travis McGee | 5747 Lakefield Drive, Houston, TX 77033 | phone: 832-488-7709 and 713-733-3226 | email: travis4houston@gmail.com, mcgee4dist.d@gmail.com, mcgeetravis@sbcglobal.net
(2) Georgia Provost | 3821 N. MacGregor Way, Houston, TX 77004 | phone: 281-704-6655 | email: gdprovost@hotmail.com
(3) Debra A. Rose | 3760 Rio Vista, Houston, TX 77021 | phone: 832-523-2393 | email: debra_rose1@yahoo.com
City Council, District E
(1) Martina Lemond Dixon | PO Box 41964, Houston, TX 77241 | email: martina@voteformartina.com
(2) Fred Flickinger | 4025 Feather Lakes Way, P.O. Box 5445, Kingwood, Texas 77325-5445 | email: flickingerfred@yahoo.com
City Council, District F
(1) Tiffany D. Thomas | PO Box 2271, Alief, TX 77411 | phone: 281-435-0470 | email: TiffanyForAlief@gmail.com and deshellthomas@hotmail.com
City Council, District G
(2) Tony Buzbee | 600 Travis Street, Suite 7500, Houston, TX 77002 | phone: 713-223-5393 | email: tbuzbee@txattorneys.com
(3) Mary Nan Huffman | 1 Greenway Plaza, Unit 225, Houston, TX, 77098 | phone: 832-200-3420 or 713-526-3399 | email: marynan@marynanhuffman.com
(1) Enyinna O. Isiguzo | phone: 713-730-9865 | email: ochiwoo22@gmail.com
City Council, District H
(5) Mario Castillo | PO Box 56386, Houston, TX 77256 | phone: 713-909-4023 | email: Campaign@MarioForHouston.com
(4) Mark McGee | phone: 832-817-5211 | mark@campaignHouston.com
(3) Cynthia Reyes Revilla | P.O. Box 8880, Houston, Texas 77249-8880 | phone: 281-641-3144 | email: info@CynthiaforHDH.com
(2) Sonia Rivera | PO Box 30125, Houston, TX 77009 | phone: 832-790-9140 | email: info@soniarivera.us
(1) Michelle Stearns | PO Box 96667, Houston, TX 77213 | phone: 832-588-0572 | email: michelle4houston@gmail.com
City Council, District I
(1) Rick Gonzales | 505 Bastrop, #304, Houston, TX 77003 | phone: 832-215-4007
(2) Joaquin Martinez | 7939 Glenscott Street, Houston, TX 77061 | phone 281-914-2655 | email: joaquin@martinezcampaign.com
City Council, District J
(1) Edward Pollard | 6343 Skyline Drive #16, Houston, TX 77057
(2) Ivan Sanchez | 2425 W. Loop S. #502, Houston, TX 77027 | phone: 832-713-4577 | email: info@voteIvanSanchez.com
City Council, District K
(1) Martha Castex-Tatum | 5445 Almeda Road, Suite 307, Houston, TX 77004 | email: sold@movingwithmartha.com
City Council, At-Large #1
(4) Kendall Baker | PO Box 772855, Houston, TX 77215 |phone: 832-858-4831 |email: bakerforhtown@gmail.com
(1) Eriq C. Glenn | phone: 713-885-3019 | email: Glenn4CNL@gmail.com
(3) Melanie Miles | 2801 Ruth St., Houston, TX 77004 | phone: 346-229-3997 | email: info@milesforhouston.com
(2) Julian Ramirez | PO Box 55484, Houston, TX 77255 | phone: 832-292-1710 | email: julian@julianramirezforhouston.com
(5) Conchita Reyes | 5503 Lawndale, Houston, TX 77023 | phone: 713-283-8551 | email: info@voteconchitareyes.com
(6) Leah Wolfthal | PO Box 3981, Houston, TX 77253 | phone: 281-825-2744 | email: info@leahforhouston.com
City Council, At-Large #2
(4) Danielle Keys Bess | PO Box 8367, Houston, TX 77288-8367 | phone: 281-414-5726 | email: info@bessforhouston.com
(3) Marina Angelica Coryat | PO Box 386, Houston, TX 77001 | phone: 832-786-0488 |email: marinacoryat@marinaforhouston.com |other: team@marinaforhouston.com
(1) Willie Davis | 11410 MLK Blvd., Houston, TX 77048 | phone: 713-204-4252 | email: wrayd4@gmail.com
(2) Nick Hellyar | 2368A Rice Blvd, Suite 417, Houston, TX 77005 | phone: 713-818-4705 | email: nick@nickhellyar.com
(6) Obioha “Obes” Nwabara | PO Box 273282, Houston, TX 77277 | phone: 281-908-1417 | email: obes@obesfortwo.com
(5) Holly Flynn Vilaseca | PO Box 440544, Houston, TX 77244 | phone: 713-482-1373 | email: info@hollyforhouston.com
City Council, At-Large #3
(8) Bernard “Bernardo” Amadi | 6015 Dale Carnegie Lane, Houston, TX 77036 | phone: 832-719-3926 |email: BCAmadi1@AOL.com
(1) Richard Cantu | PO Box 91334, Houston, TX 77291 | phone: 832-741-1196 | email: Richard@RichardCantu.org
(4) Twila Carter | PO Box 41964, Houston, TX 77241 | phone: 713-701-9909 | email: twila@twilacarter.com
(5) Donnell Cooper | PO Box 683163, Houston, TX 77268 | phone: 713-538-3850 | email: Donnell@CooperForHouston.com
(9) Ethan Michelle Ganz | PO Box 66067, Houston, TX 77266 | phone: 281-662-5383 | email: team@ganz4hou.com
(2) James Joseph | 4223 Lyon Avenue, Houston TX 77020 | phone: 281-460-7375 | email: james.joseph378@gmail.com
(6) Ericka McCrutcheon | PO Box 750153, Houston, TX 77275 | phone: 832-377-7919 | email: ericka@erickaforHouston.com
(7) Richard Nguyen | 8115 Riptide Drive, Houston, TX 77072 | phone: 281-891-0579 | email: dandelion63@yahoo.com
City Council, At-Large #4
(3) John Branch Jr. | email: johnbranchjr@johnbranchjrforcchtx.com
(1) Roy Morales | 2450 Louisiana Street, Suite 400-224, Houston, TX 77006 | phone: 713-320-8167 | email: roy@roymorales.com
(4) Andrew “Drew” Patterson | 6207 Fondren Road, Houston, TX 77036 | phone: 832-276-1712 | email: Andrew.Patterson@SBCglobal.net
(2) Letitia Plummer | 10009 Broadway, #107, Pearland, Texas 77584 | phone: 713-436-2522| email: info@LetitiaPlummerForHouston.com
City Council, At-Large #5
(1) Sallie Alcorn | PO Box 27510, Houston, TX 77227 | phone: 281-352-5699 | email: sallie@salliealcorn.com
(2) J. Brad Batteau | 3408 Delano, Houston, TX 77004 | phone: 832-283-5471 | email: Jbradbatteau1926@yahoo.com
(3) Rigo Hernandez | 2205 McKinney Steet, Apt 303, Houston, TX 77003 | phone: 713-427-1646 | email: RHernandezJr12345@hotmail.com