August 15th marks the day when the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) voted to adopt the 2024 State Flood Plan, the states first comprehesive assessment of 15 individual watersheds with region based suggestions and solutions to address flooding.
The NHA membership has had the pleasure of hearing first-hand from the leaders of the Region 6 flood planning group on several occasions, and even awarded them with the NHA Environmental Impact award this past May. “The [task of creating a regional flood plan] was about 5 years of work in 2 and a half years, but well worth it,” said Alia Vinson, Vice Chair of the San Jacinto Region 6 Flood Planning Group.
TWDB Board Member L’Oreal Stepney said, “[This] is a tremendous accomplishment and an essential foundation for not only understanding flood risk but also working to mitigate it to keep people and property safe.”
We appreciate all of the hard work and time that went into each of the 15 regional flood planning documents! Thank you to all of the agencies, volunteers and elected officials involved in this enormous effort. We know this is not the final solution, but a first step toward being prepared for flooding events and NHA is dedicated to continuing partnerships to be a part of the solutions moving forward!